Jump on over to www.BizMindedMuses.com (or listen below) to enjoy a podcast led by Kelly Heck of Website GURL. Kelly shares the Value of Professional Photography, as well as several tips and tricks to help prepare you and your team and/or family for your upcoming photo session! Listen in, and let us know what you think and what else you would love to learn!!
The value of professional photography begins with the belief that your investment in a photographer will produce returns on your investment. If first impressions are based on visual appearance, then your advertising & marketing visuals should be priority number one, whether they are graphics, photographs, or video.
A professional photographer has (hopefully) the ultimate combination… a creative eye and technical lighting abilities. Photography is a medium of light, and a photographer typically knows how to use light best to highlight their subject. Professional photographers also make a point of harnessing high quality equipment. From the camera to the lenses, to studio lights and light modifiers, to the post processing programs that enhance your photos, we have the tools necessary to compliment and control our light sources and create images that explode with color and detail and WOW factor!
How many people buy your product or service when you have cell phone photos on your DIY website? Then imagine how many people would buy the same product or service on a professionally built website with professional photos? It’s all about who looks more serious, because when a business takes my money, I expect to get what I paid for, back. We are all looking to establish trust with our ideal customers, and a professional look does just that.
Follow the link below to learn more about tips and tricks and other advice to prepare for your photo shoot. All the advice is directed at those booking a portrait session, but applies to the team in your business office, as well as your family, children, and high school senior portrait sessions.
Refer to Kelly Heck Photography’s “What to Wear” Guide and other helpful details to look your best for Photo Day! www.kellyheckphotography.com/what-to-wear